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UK Wine Show 147 The Portman Group on minimum pricing with Michael Thompson

This show was published 13 March 2009


The Portman Group work with drinks producers to encourage and challenge them to promote alcohol responsibly. We discuss the issues around minimum pricing for alcohol.

The Scottish government's proposals to impose a policy of minimum pricing is part of an overall policy to reduce alcohol consumption amongst the entire Scottish population rather than target just the harmful drinkers. The UK government are trying to target harmful drinkers - the irresponsible minority that drink excessively. This can only be done by educating them and enforcing the law.

There is a problem with excessive alcohol consumption across the UK, not just in Scotland, but it is improving and there are fewer harmful drinkers. Alcohol consumption has declined by 5% in UK over the past 5 years.

The Portman Group do not support minimum pricing and take the view that price is not the main factor in harmful drinking. They believe education is needed to promote responsible drinking and reduce harmful drinking.


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The UK Wine Show is sponsored by ThirtyFifty. Our team of wine tasters are busy entertaining and educating UK consumers to help them get the most out of wine.


The music used for the UK Wine Show is Griffes de Jingle 1 by Marcel de la Jartèle and Silence by Etoile Noire.

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