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Refreshingly fun tasting events
ThirtyFifty - Hens

UK Wine Show 51 James Booth Virtual Wine

This show was published 18 May 2007


Virtual Wine , is not about pretending to drink a bottle of wine, it is a way of participating in an expert led wine tasting from the comfort of your home.

James Booth is co-founder of Virtual Wine along with Paul Newman. He believes that wine is all about sharing fun times with friends in a relaxed atmosphere. Virtual Wine is all about making people from any background and level of wine knowledge enjoy learning about different wines.

As well as his role in Virtual Wine, James also founded grape-juice which is a private customer wine club, and New Generation Wines, which represents a small number of forward thinking producers, supplying their wine direct to some of the finest establishments in the United Kingdom.

Virtual Wine events are designed to be fun and accessible and can be joined by any registered user with a broadband connection - at home, at friends or even in the office! Participants can buy a 6 pack of the wines to taste with the panel live. They can send comments to the panel and chat with other guests in the chat room during the tasting. The chat room is not restricted to the UK so often there are people from around the world joining in.

Events normally last for 1-1.5 hours and are usually scheduled for the first Saturday of the every month. The next event though is on Friday 22nd June at 7.30pm.

You can order the wines and get updates from the Virtual Wine website Virtual wine ,


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The UK Wine Show is sponsored by ThirtyFifty. Our team of wine tasters are busy entertaining and educating UK consumers to help them get the most out of wine.


The music used for the UK Wine Show is Griffes de Jingle 1 by Marcel de la Jartèle and Silence by Etoile Noire.

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