End of the run for Beaujolais?
It's Beaujolais Nouveau day today (20th November). In the UK back in the 80s this was very much part of the social calendar along with Wimbledon, Henley and the cricket. The Beaujolais Run saw various teams racing to get the first bottle back from Paris to London. Bars, restaurants and shops would have tastings and themed days. But as producers flooded the market with bad quality weak and acidic wine, the novelty wore off. Beaujolais Nouveau did what Blue Nun did to German wine - killed it off. To the extent that some of the better quality wines from the area name their wines after their regions to get away from the Beaujolais name eg Fleurie. Japan and bizarrely Cardiff still celebrate the day with enthusiasm but Beaujolais Nouveau run director Rob Bellinger assures us that due to climate change the wine has been getting better and better every year.