UK scales backs social gatherings while South Africa is seeing the rise of bootleggers
The 'Rule of 6' limits social gatherings in the UK, while South Africa's on/off ban on alcohol sales has seen the rise of modern day bootleggers.
UK government has changed the rules on social gatherings to limit almost all mixing at home indoors and out to a maximum of 6 people. The new law also limits groups in pubs, wine bars and restaurants to 6 per table. The law means home wine tasting events for larger groups are no longer possible and many companies are continuing to offer virtual tastings instead, using platforms such as Zoom.
South Africa's on again/off again ban on alcoholic sales is creating modern day bootleggers. According to the South African Revenue Service (SARS) commissioner Edward Kieswetter. He said that the ban on domestic alcohol sales, as a result of Covid-19, is causing criminal operators to market themselves to previously honest smokers and drinkers. These operators are now embedded in the supply chain and it will take years to reverse the impact he told a group of tax practitioners.