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Jancis Robinson MW

This show was published 03 October 2008


Jancis Robinson MW is a world-leading wine writer with a weekly column in the FT. We caught up with her and in the first of 3 interviews find out about a typical day in her life.

Jancis describes herself as a wine writer more than a wine critic. She really enjoys words! Jancis tastes an average of 200-300 wines a week and goes to lots of organised tastings. She also tastes a lot when travelling and receives many unsolicited bottles that are sent direct to her home. She prefers to taste later in the day - mid-afternoon to early evening - and write earlier in the day. Husband Nick Landers is a restaurant critic and they have both have a column in the FT - Jancis on wine and Nick on restaurants/food.

Jancis starts the day with a laptop in bed with a cup of tea to keep up to speed with her website and email correspondence. Writing included the weekly FT column and a syndicated column that goes to 15 publications around the world and is published every 2 months. Jancis also tastes wine for British Airways for the club and first class wine selection. Her leisure time is in the evening and some weekends. The website contains a wealth of information including a forum, maps from the wine atlas and also the Oxford Companion 3rd Edition online which wine students love. Jancis has a full time assistant, Julia Harding MW.

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The music used for the UK Wine Show is Griffes de Jingle 1 by Marcel de la Jartèle and Silence by Etoile Noire.

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