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Jamie Goode Grape Biology Overview

This show was published 13 November 2009


Jamie Goode is a wine writer and leading wine blogger with a PhD in plant biology. In this interview Jamie gives us an overview of grape vine biology.

The grape vine's natural environment is as a woodland climber - the vine is designed to be a very effective climber to get high enough up to catch sunlight. The vine reaches out with its tendrils and then grows fine shoots to reach up to the canopy of the host tree. But grapes are really for birds, not to make wine from! The grapes start off green and unpalatable to birds with high acids, tannins and bitterness. When the colour turns to red (veraison) its a signal to birds that the grapes are ready to eat but to make wine we must wait longer when the sugars are higher and the grapes fully ripe.


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The music used for the UK Wine Show is Griffes de Jingle 1 by Marcel de la Jartèle and Silence by Etoile Noire.

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