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Andy Smith of Accolade Wines on forecasting Part 1

This show was published 06 June 2014


Andy Smith is the UK finance director for Accolade wines Europe. The company is the largest supplier of wine in the UK and owns brands such as Hardys, Kumala, Echo Falls, Stowells and Banrock Station. Its heartland is commercial wines in the £4.50-£5.50 price bracket and it bottles 250 million bottles a year at its bottling plant in Bristol.

Andy gives us an overview of the process of forecasting wine volumes, which is done 3 months out, going forward 5 years. A five step process referred to as S&OP (Sales and Operations Planning) starts with portfolio management which encompasses any new products to be developed. Sales forecasts from the sales team for each of the accounts are all added together to give an overall picture of total volume and then reviewed from top down at monthly management meetings to agree the overall production volumes for each wine. We find out about some of the issues and factors that can affect the forecasting throughout the supply chain.


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The music used for the UK Wine Show is Griffes de Jingle 1 by Marcel de la Jartèle and Silence by Etoile Noire.

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