Introducing the WSET L4 D3 Tasting Exam with Lauren Denyer
This show was published 16 December 2022
- Introducing the WSET L4 D3 Tasting Exam with Lauren Denyer
Lauren takes us through the format of the L4 D3 tasting exam which includes 12 still wines. The wines are presented in 4 flights of 3 as follows:
First flight - the same grape variety
The main marks are for grape variety, linking the wines together, and a quality assessment, suitability for ageing. You are expected to identify the country and region but only a few marks are allocated for this.
Second flight - from the same country
You need to be able to link between the wines identifying the country, do quality assessment and conclusion as with the first flight.
Third flight - from the same wine region
There are likely to be wines from different sub-regions within and diverse styles.
Tip: Make sure you look at the specification as a guide to where the exam wines are likely to be selected from.
Fourth flight - unrelated samples
Tip: Write a good tasting note, rather than trying to specifically identify the wine.
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The music used for the UK Wine Show is Griffes de Jingle 1 by Marcel de la Jartèle and Silence by Etoile Noire.