UK Wine Show 183 Jamie Goode on the vines roots and grapes
This show was published 13 November 2009
- UK Wine Show 183 Jamie Goode on the vines roots and grapes
Jamie Goode is a wine writer and leading wine blogger with a PhD in plant biology. In this second interview Jamie gives us an overview of grapes, vines and roots.
We cover how grapes contain flavour compounds that carry through into the wine as well as flavours called precursors which the yeast converts into flavour compounds that we get in the wine. We also discuss the vine's roots and how plants can communicate!
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The UK Wine Show is sponsored by ThirtyFifty. Our team of wine tasters are busy entertaining and educating UK consumers to help them get the most out of wine.
The music used for the UK Wine Show is Griffes de Jingle 1 by Marcel de la Jartèle and Silence by Etoile Noire.