UK Wine Show 209 Ryan Opaz on Social Media Technology
This show was published 22 May 2010
- UK Wine Show 209 Ryan Opaz on Social Media Technology
Ryan Opaz of Catavino is a prolific wine blogger. In this second interview with Ryan we explore social media technology. We discuss social networking sites that allow users to maintain their tasting notes online and share amongst a community. The two main sites are and and there are other sites such as and We also find out about QR codes - a Japanese 2D code similar to a barcode - and how they might be useful in the wine world to provide consumers with more information about the wine they're drinking.
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The UK Wine Show is sponsored by ThirtyFifty. Our team of wine tasters are busy entertaining and educating UK consumers to help them get the most out of wine.
The music used for the UK Wine Show is Griffes de Jingle 1 by Marcel de la Jartèle and Silence by Etoile Noire.