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Wine News

The rise of indepedence

Whilst these days it seems totally commonplace to buy our wine from supermarkets the independent wine retailer, has been on the increase. There are now approximately 800 independent wine shops in the UK. A relatively small size but quite often these shops are punching above their weight in terms of high-value selling power. The independents are an attractive proposition to smaller producers seeking a less cut-throat more premium route into the UK. This sector is also able to move swiftly to customer requests, new trends and changes in economic infrastructure. The independents will be hit hard by Brexit as unlike the supermarkets they don't have the buying power to restrict price increases. So the independent has to be all about quality and service. The Indies recognise that consumers are looking at their budgets more closely so they need a point of differentiation to embrace new ideas and technologies evolving all the time. Recent range rationalisation in supermarkets has played into the hands of independents, who are able to offer more interesting wines. So 2017 will be an exciting year for the independent sector.