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Wine News

Tesco shopper falls foul of new alcohol guidelines

A Tesco shopper has fallen foul of new guidelines which support the government's Think 25 responsible drinking campaign. The 28 year old woman was stopped from buying wine as part of her weekly shop because she was accompanied by her 17 year old sister, a minor. She was told she wasn't allowed to buy the wine in the presence of someone who is unable to produce ID.

Connie Kam fell foul of new guidelines introduced to limit access to alcohol among youngsters. The store operates a strict Think 25 policy which means if someone looks under 25, and does not have appropriate ID to prove they are over 18, they will not be sold alcohol. Additionally, if staff suspect proxy selling - that alcohol is being purchased by an adult for someone under age - the sale will also be refused.

The duty manager at Tesco did in the end sell her the alcohol and apologised for the mistake.