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Patrice Pinet of Courvoisier on Cognac distillation

This show was published 12 December 2014


Patrice explains the distillation process refine and extract alcohol and also aromatics from the wine to produce cognac. We hear about the two distillations needed, which each take around 10 hours (double distillation) until the wine reaches an alcohol content of 71%. The colourless liquid is called the eau-de-vie. Afterwards the wine is aged in oak barrels, where the alcohol then evaporates to about 40% over time and the wine oxidizes giving it colour. New barrels are used for quality and flavour, imparting a predominantly vanilla flavour into the wine. Lees are added into the barrels of some wines that are being aged for longer, to impart more flavours such as caramel and chocolate. Within the Courvoisier range there is a 'Gold' ready to serve Cognac blended with Moscato wine introduced for the US market. There are also two 'aged' Cognacs - a 12 year old and a 21 year old, aimed at connoisseurs wanting to experience Cognac beyond the VSOP and XO styles.


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The music used for the UK Wine Show is Griffes de Jingle 1 by Marcel de la Jartèle and Silence by Etoile Noire.

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