ThirtyFifty's WSET Level 3 Pass Guarantee
If you meet the requirements for ThirtyFifty’s Pass Guarantee and do not pass your WSET L3 exam the first time, we will pay for the first re-sit exam.
We believe we have the best tutors, extra study materials and approach to guarantee you pass your Level 3 Exam, but only if you do the work.
To qualify for the Tasting Exam
Firstly relax. Most students worry about the tasting exam. We have a 97% pass rate for the tasting exam. If you follow our guidance you should pass. We have a style of tasting note that minimises mistakes. You need to write your tasting notes and exam wine in the ThirtyFifty style. In specific to qualify for our Pass Guarantee you must:
• Write tasting notes for all wines for the course in the ThirtyFifty style.
• The two homework wines must be handed in for feedback, in the required week they are due.
• The Tasting exam must be completed using the style taught by ThirtyFifty.
To qualify for the Written Theory Exam
The WSET recommends that students study a minimum of 51.5 hours of private study but some students require significantly more study time to achieve a pass. Many students are worried for a number of reasons, perhaps they may not done anything achademic in years, never had their taste buds tested before, may have a poor memory or perhaps learning in a foreign language. Those who think they may struggle for whatever reason should definitely aim to meet our Pass Guarantee study guidelines. It is more work than 51.5 hours recomended, but it can give you confidence.
Study Points
We use a Study Points system which shows how many times you have used our online resources. Every time you use a resource you will earn a point. The more points you earn the better your outcome. To qualify for our Pass Guarantee a student must earn at least 10,000 Study Points. Study Points are earned in the following ways:
• 1 Flash Card or Multi Choice Question = 1 Study Point
• For each Written Exam Question, one mark = 1 Study Point
Why 10,000 Study Points
We have looked at our students who use our materials and their corresponding grades. We know everyone is likely to pass if they have amassed 10,000 Study Points. Looking at the yellow line, of students who have failed, nearly 50% of them have amassed less than 2,500 Study Points (they have not made use of our online resources). In comparison, no student has failed so far with at least 10,000 Study Points!
How to measure my Study Points
Our Online Portal has a record of your Study Points and how likely you would be to achieve a pass in your exam, with that many Study Points. To access the Online Portal, you need to have purchased your place on the course and completed the registration process.
How to reach 10,000 Study Points
Because each student learns differently we don’t mind how you achieve 10,000 Study Points, but the best results come from steady work. For people who think they will have limited study pre-course preperation is essential.
A typical way of achieving the number of Study Points is:
Study Points (per set) |
Recomended Repeats |
Total Study Points |
Chapter Flash Cards | 2,500 |
3 |
7,500 |
Chapter-based Questions | 400 |
2 |
800 |
Mock Exams | 550 |
2 |
1,100 |
Map Flash Cards | 350 |
2 |
700 |
Total | 3,700 |
2 |
10,100 |
Before class
• Read the relevant Chapters to be covered that day while working through Chapter Flash Cards..
After class
• Re-do the Flash Cards with an open text book, rating the Flash Cards as you go.
• Do the end of Chapter questions.
Before the exam
• Do the end of Course Mock Exams
• Go through most of your Flash Cards starting on the hardest
• Re-do the end of Chapter Questions
• Re-do all the Mock Exams
Re-sit Fees
If you do not manage to pass the paper the first time with ThirtyFifty, there is the opportunity to resit the exam with us for a fee of £120 for one paper or £150 for both the theory and tasting papers. The exam date would be the next available course with the exam being held on the final day of the course.